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Am I Returning This Promise Correctly?

I have a function, getMonitors inside a service. getMonitors returns a list of monitor objects. If the monitor object is empty, it grabs the monitors via http and stores the object

Solution 1:

Ah, I finally wrapped my head around promises. We can't return d.resolve(). That just sets a state. You always need to return d.promise and it if was resolved, it will return the resolve. Man. This drove me mad.I think I finally got the basic hang of promises after 3 different SO questions. I wish tutorials made this clearer. Everyone was only returning d.promise and no one really explained clearly that d.promise returns the state of the promise - which is changed by resolve or reject.

The correct code is:

getMonitors: function (forceReload) {
            console.log ("** Inside ZMData getMonitors with forceReload="+forceReload);
            var d = $q.defer();
           if ((monitorsLoaded == 0) || (forceReload == 1)) // monitors are empty or force reload
               console.log ("ZMDataModel: Invoking HTTP Factory to load monitors");
                var apiurl = loginData.apiurl;
                var myurl = apiurl+"/monitors.json";
                       // console.log ("HTTP success got " + JSON.stringify(data));
                        monitors = data.monitors;
                        console.log ("promise resolved inside HTTP success");
                        monitorsLoaded = 1;
                    .error (function (err)
                        console.log ("HTTP Error " + err);
                        monitors = [];
                        console.log ("promise resolved inside HTTP fail");
                        d.resolve (monitors);
                return d.promise;

            else// monitors are loaded
                console.log ("Returning pre-loaded list of "+monitors.length+" monitors");
                return d.promise;


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