Task Pane Addin For Outlook Web App
Solution 1:
Following up with this. Addin Commands are now available on Outlook on the Web (OWA) and Outlook for Mac. If you have implemented an Addin Command for Outlook, it should work without modification for the newly implemented platforms.
Solution 2:
Unfortunately, at the time of the writing it is not supported yet. Task pane in outlook web add-ins is only available in Outlook desktop 2016.
See this link from MSDN. It reads
Currently, it can only specify the desktop (DesktopFormFactor).
It makes me think that Microsoft plans to support this for other client as well. There is also a UserVoice site here to ask for requests on Office web addins.
Solution 3:
Good news :), Add-in commands will be rolling out soon to all users and all add-ins for Outlook Web and we expect it to be at a 100% in the month of Dec. Once its rolled out you'll be able to have buttons in OWA that launch task pane to the right as requested, similar to how it is in desktop outlook.
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