Setup An Authentication Middleware To Reduce Duplicate Code In Express.js
Solution 1:
In the answer you referenced, it appears that user installed and is using Sequelize to store an individual's user data. If you would like to utilize that approach, I would look into Sequelize. As you mentioned on the other thread, User is not defined. For the other question, the asker most likely set up a model called User.
In Sequelize, each model (like User) defines a table that has its own rows and columns. Each column represents a field that applies to an individual row of data. For example, for a User model, one user may have a username, an email, and a password. You would specify what data types these columns should be and any other necessary information for each column of the Sequelize model definition. Each row represents one data-entry, or in this case, one user. I had previously built a sample web app that maps students to specific classes; below I have copied the Sequelize model definition I wrote for that project. It's quite simple and I would recommend watching some YouTube tutorials or checking out the Sequelize documentation at if this library is foreign to you.
'use strict';
constSequelize = require('sequelize');
const db = require('./_db');
constStudent = db.define('student', {
name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: true
phase: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: true,
validate: {
isIn: [['junior', 'senior', null]]
Student.findByPhase = asyncfunction(phase) {
const students = awaitStudent.findAll({
where: {
phase: phase
return students
module.exports = Student;
It may also help to check out PostgreSQL or SQL in general as well to understand the basic framework that Sequelize lies on top of.
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