React Typescript: Argument Of Type '{ [x: Number]: Any; }' Is Not Assignable To Parameter Of Type
I added onChange method in my project(React, TS, Mobx), but I am getting an error: Argument of type '{ [x: number]: any; }' is not assignable to parameter of type I am new to Type
Solution 1:
You need to tell Typescript that your object will have one or more property from IAddPlayerFormState, but not necessarily all properties. You can do it like this:
publiconChange(event: { target: { name: any; value: any; }; }) {
const newState = { [name]: value } asPick<IAddPlayerFormState, keyof IAddPlayerFormState>;
console.log("On Change!");
Solution 2:
Using this syntax got rid of the error for me:
const myFunction = (e) => {
returnthis.setState({...this.state, []:});
Solution 3:
Your state shape is this:
interface IAddPlayerFormState {
playerName: string;
isDisabled: boolean;
and you are calling setState with this:
{any: any}
You can change only values: playerName and isDisabled not any. If you rewrite function signature as
public onChange(event: { target: { name: "playerName"|"isDisabled"; value: any; }; })
or better
public onChange(event: { target: { name: keyof IAddPlayerFormState ; value: any; }; })
it should be ok for typescript. Btw this code will not work though. Change input name :). I hope this answer is clear, if not i will edit that.
Solution 4:
All u need to do is specify which item you want to update/change
type ItemState = {
value?: string;// The state I want to update
#In your case would be
this.setState({playerName : new_value});
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