Page_load Is Been Fired When Webmethod Is Called Through Javascript Pagemethods
Solution 1:
So after founding the culprit of why controls in my update panel was calling post back twice I found it was because of a page method being called.
After finding LcSalazar solution I did disabled Friendly URLs and everything was working. But I find the Friendly URLs to be more clean so I found a solution .
On your master page add the following .
$(function () {
try {
if (PageMethods.get_path().indexOf('.aspx') == -1)
PageMethods.set_path(PageMethods.get_path() + '.aspx');
} catch (e) {
Once the page methods path includes the .aspx the page_load doesn't fire again.
Alternatively look into using ASP.Net Web Api . Better practice as well when it comes to reusable methods instead of declaring the methods in you Base Page or every page you are trying to use it .
Solution 2:
I discovered that the problem on my case is that I'm using friendly URL's. Since PageMethods
references the server-side page by its address, there you have the issue. It's been discussed here, on CodePlex:
Apparently there are workarounds for this, but I ended up making a manual ajax call to a generic handler (.ashx).
Solution 3:
When you submit a form that has runat server it processes the full .net lifecycle. Which fires the Page_Load of your .cs class. If you want to make it strictly want to fire the webmethod I suggest using an ajax call to your webmethod.
Solution 4:
Disable friendly urls. Comment this out in App_Start\RouteConfig.cs routes.EnableFriendlyUrls(settings);
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