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Javascript Regex That Ignores Matches Nested Inside Parentheses

How would I use JavaScript to create a regular expression that finds all text in between comma delimiters, but ignores commas found inside nested parentheses? For example, in the

Solution 1:

You could create your own parser, and keep track of a "stack" to detect whether a parenthesis was opened before. The example below works with (), [], {}, or anything you want. And they can be nested inside each other.

You can use it like so:

const mySplit = customSplitFactory({
  delimiter: ',',
  escapedPairs: {
    '(': ')',
    '{': '}',
    '[': ']'

mySplit('one, two, start (a, b) end'); // ["one"," two"," start (a, b) end"]

Code & demo:

// Generic factory functionfunctioncustomSplitFactory({ delimiter, escapedPairs }) {
  const escapedStartChars = Object.keys(escapedPairs);

  return(str) => {
    const result = str.split('')
      // For each character
      .reduce((res, char) => {
        // If it's a start escape char `(`, `[`, ...if (escapedStartChars.includes(char)) {
          // Add the corresponding end char to the stack
          // Add the char to the current group
        // If it's the end escape char we were waiting for `)`, `]`, ...
        } elseif (
          res.escapeStack.length &&
          char === res.escapeStack[res.escapeStack.length - 1]
        ) {
          // Remove it from the stack
          // Add the char to the current group
        // If it's a delimiter and the escape stack is empty
        } elseif (char === delimiter && !res.escapeStack.length) {
          if (res.currentGroup.length) {
            // Push the current group into the results
          // Reset it
          res.currentGroup = [];
        } else {
          // Otherwise, just push the char into the current group
        return res;
      }, {
        groups: [],
        currentGroup: [],
        escapeStack: []
     // If the current group was not added to the results yetif (result.currentGroup.length) {
     return result.groups;

// Usageconst mySplit = customSplitFactory({
  delimiter: ',',
  escapedPairs: {
    '(': ')',
    '{': '}',
    '[': ']'

functiondemo(s) { // Just for this democonst res = mySplit(s);
  console.log([s, res].map(JSON.stringify).join(' // '));

demo('one, two, start (a, b) end,');   // ["one"," two"," start (a, b) end"]demo('one, two, start {a, b} end');    // ["one"," two"," start {a, b} end"]demo('one, two, start [{a, b}] end,'); // ["one"," two"," start [{a, b}] end"]demo('one, two, start ((a, b)) end,'); // ["one"," two"," start ((a, b)) end"]

Solution 2:

You need to thinking about special case first that is parentheses, handle it at first:

var str, mtc;
str = "one, two, start (a, b) end, hello";
mtc =  str.match(/[^,]*\([^\)]+\)[^,]+|[^,]+/g);
//Expected output: ["one","two", " start (a, b) end", " hello"]

First thing, handle parentheses:

patt =/[^,]*\([^\)]+\)[^,]+/g
//That will matchanycharacter after ,
//Thenmatchcharacter "(" andthenmatchany charecter withno ")" then ends with )

//Now is easy things, we just matchescharacter withno colon
patt =/[^,]+/g

Solution 3:

If unmatched braces don't need to be handled, this could be simplifed to a naive balanced brace counter. Currently using default to normal text best effort:

  • If a closing brace is detected, it will try to find the starting brace and enclose on it, treating enclosed segment as text
  • If no starting brace found treat it like normal text

const braces = {'{':'}','[':']','(':')'}
// create object map of ending braces to starting bracesconst inv_braces = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(braces).map(x=>x.reverse()))
const red = newRegExp(`(,)|` +
  `([${Object.keys(braces).join('')}])|` + 
  `([${Object.values(braces).map(x=>`\\${x}`).join('')}])` , 'g')
  // pre-build break-point scanning regexes// group1 comma detection, group2 start braces, group3 end braces

element_extract= str => {
  let res = []
  let stack = [], next, last = -1// search until no more break-points foundwhile(next = red.exec(str)) {
    const [,comma,begin,end] = next, {index} = next
    if(begin) stack.push(begin) // beginning brace, push to stackelseif(end){ //ending brace, pop off stack to starting braceconst start = stack.lastIndexOf(inv_braces[end])
      if(start!==-1) stack.length = start
    elseif(!stack.length && comma) res.push(str.slice(last+1,last=index))
    // empty stack and comma, slice string and push to results
  if(last<str.length) res.push(str.slice(last+1)) // final elementreturn res

data = [
"one, two, start (a, b) end",
"one, two, start ((a, (b][,c)]) ((d,e),f)) end, two",
"one, two ((a, (b,c)) ((d,e),f)) three, start (a, (b,c)) ((d,e),f) end, four",
"(a, (b,c)) ((d,e)],f))"
for(const x of data)


  • Escaping can be added by adding another match group for \ and incrementing index to skip
  • Regex string sanitizer can be added to allow matching on special characters
  • Second regex can be added to skip commas for optimization (see edit history)
  • Support for variable length delimiters can be added by replacing comma matcher and including length of delimiter in calculations. Same goes for braces.
    • For example, I could use (\s*,\s*) instead of (,) to strip spaces, or use '{{':'}}' as braces by adjusting the regex builder to use '|' instead of character classes

For simplicity I have left these out

Solution 4:

As some comments suggested you can use the split function. example:

let str = "one, two, start (a, b) end,";
let matches = str.split(/(?<!(\"|\{|\()[a-zA-Z0-9]*),(?![a-zA-Z0-9]*\)|\}|\")/);

matches is gonna be an array containing [ "one", "two", "start (a, b) end", "" ];


hope it helps.

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