Invocationtargetexception When Using Accesscontroler.doprivileged In A Signed Applet
Solution 1:
I am with Andrew on this.
I've created an app that should help us find the code signing issue.
(Since we don't want to Spam Andrew I've created this.)
With more information that finally came out it seems that you are not packing the TestPrivileges$1
class with the jar.
To fix this do this for jar packing:
jar cvf TestPrivileges.jar TestPrivileges.class TestPrivileges$1.class
Solution 2:
New theory
The 3rd party Jar was already signed when it was signed it with your certificate. Now there are 2 lots of information on digital keys inside the Jar, which is confusing the JRE.
Either use the original Jar, as it was, or remove the digital signatures and sign it again with your own certificate.
Earlier answer
signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
The actual error is because two jars are considered to be signed with different certificates, even I'm using the same certificate.
I suspect that the problem comes down to the part of the error/comment that I made bold. Classes in the same package must be in the same Jar.
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