How To Hide Or Disable Radiobuttonlist And Textbox Based On Condition Of Another Two Textboxes When Edit Button Is Clicked
Solution 1:
Try this one: On Edit button click event:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb1.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb2.Text))
rbl1.Visible = false;
tb3.Visible = false;
TextBox txt = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("tb1");
TextBox txt1 = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("tb2");
TextBox tb3= (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("tb3");
RadioButtonList rb1= (RadioButtonList)FormView1.FindControl("rbl1");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt1.Text))
rb1.Visible = false;
tb3.Visible = false;
rb1.Visible = true;
tb3.Visible = true;
Solution 2:
I would do something like this:
<asp:textboxid="tb1"runat="server"text='<%# Bind("DATE_2", "{0:d}") %>' /><asp:calendarextenderid="tb1_CalendarExtender"runat="server"targetcontrolid="tb1" /><asp:textboxid="tb2"runat="server"text='<%# Bind("DATE_2", "{0:d}") %>' /><asp:calendarextenderid="tb2_CalendarExtender"runat="server"targetcontrolid="tb2" /><asp:buttonid="EditButton"runat="server"causesvalidation="False"commandname="Edit"text="Edit"enabled='<%# CanEdit(Eval("DATE_2"), Eval("DATE_2")) %>'onclientclick="verifyEditControls();" /><divclass="hide edit-controls"><asp:radiobuttonlistid="rbl1"runat="server"repeatdirection="Horizontal"text='<%# Bind("DIAG_LL_APPROVAL") %>'><asp:ListItem>Approved</asp:ListItem><asp:ListItem>Rejected</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItemSelected="True">None</asp:ListItem></asp:radiobuttonlist><asp:textboxid="tb3"runat="server"text='<%# Bind("COMMENTS") %>'maxlength="1000"/></div>
and add a javascript (I'm using jQuery here for the sake of simplicity)
<script>functionverifyEditControls() {
var c1 = '#<%= tb1.ClientID %>',
c2 = '#<%= tb2.ClientID %>';
if($(c1).val().length > 0 || $(c2).val().length > 0)
return $(".edit-controls").is("visible");
This will disable the postback if the controls are not visible and only show the controls wrapped <div>
, but if the edit button is pressed and the controls are visible, a true
is sent and your page will postback to the method called on the button.
Just add a Command
or Click
server event for that.
If you want to use a normal button, there is no need to ask .NET Framework to create one for you, just use <button id="EditButton">Edit</button>
Solution 3:
On button click you can do a check if tb1 and tb2 are not string.IsNullOrEmpty if so then set the visibilty property of rbl1 and tb3 to false.
or you can use the OnTextChanged event of tb1 and tb2 when no text is typed in rbl1 and tb3 are hidden, when someone adds text then they will automaticly be set to visible
Btw: you need to use better naming conventions
<asp:textboxid="tb1"runat="server"text='<%# Bind("DATE_2", "{0:d}") %>' /><asp:calendarextenderid="tb1_CalendarExtender"runat="server"targetcontrolid="tb1" /><asp:textboxid="tb2"runat="server"text='<%# Bind("DATE_2", "{0:d}") %>' /><asp:calendarextenderid="tb2_CalendarExtender"runat="server"targetcontrolid="tb2" /><asp:buttonid="EditButton"runat="server"causesvalidation="False"commandname="Edit"text="Edit"enabled='<%# CanEdit(Eval("DATE_2"), Eval("DATE_2")) %>'onclick="EditButton_Click" /><asp:radiobuttonlistid="rbl1"runat="server"Visible="false"repeatdirection="Horizontal"text='<%# Bind("DIAG_LL_APPROVAL") %>'><asp:ListItem>Approved</asp:ListItem><asp:ListItem>Rejected</asp:ListItem><asp:ListItemSelected="True">None</asp:ListItem></asp:radiobuttonlist><asp:textboxid="tb3"runat="server"Visible="false"text='<%# Bind("COMMENTS") %>'maxlength="1000"/>
and in code behind
protectedvoidEditButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb1.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb2.Text))
rbl1.Visible = true;
tb3.Visible = true;
// do your stuff
rbl1.Visible = false;
tb3.Visible = false;
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