Highlighting Columns In A Table With Jquery
Solution 1:
Qualify it with the >
descendant selector:
$("table.Table22 > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(even)").css("background","blue");
You need the tbody
qualifier too, as browsers automatically insert a tbody
whether you have it in your markup or not.
Edit: woops. Thanks Annan.
Edit 2: stressed tbody.
Solution 2:
Here is some code I used to do nested checkbox highlighting within a table. I needed to be able to do a "check all/uncheck all" but only within at a single level within the nesting; that is, I didn't want child elements getting selected as well.
var parentTable = $(this).parents("table:first");
var exclusions = parentTable.find("table :checkbox.select");
var checkboxes = parentTable.find(":checkbox.select").not(exclusions);
I'd get the first table above the current one I was in, get all the checkboxes below this newly found parent table, then exclude them from the complete list of checkboxes I could find. Basically, I was finding every checkbox, but then excluding any child checkboxes I found.
The same could be adapted in your case; replace the checkbox selection with columns instead.
Solution 3:
Why not to use the advantages of html ?
Instead of
You can use the <thead>
tag too to manipulate headers.
And now you can call the selector on
$("table.Table22 tbody tr td:nth-child(even)").css("background","blue")
Solution 4:
Did you test the following?
$("table.Table22 tr td:nth-child(even):not(:last-child)").css("background","blue")
Solution 5:
This page defines a nice function for selecting a column http://programanddesign.com/js/jquery-select-table-column-or-row/
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