Getelementsbytagname Does Not Return Comment Nodes In Javascript
Solution 1:
The heart of the problem is that these methods...
... return elements, as indicated by their names. However, comments and text nodes are not elements. They are nodes, but not elements.
So you need to do some traditional old fashioned DOM scripting, using childNodes
like Vincent Robert suggested. Since - as you indicate in your comment to him - that .childNodes
only goes one 'layer' deep, you need to define a recursive function to find the comment nodes: (I'm naming mine document.getCommentNodes()
document.getCommentNodes = function() {
functiontraverseDom(curr_element) { // this is the recursive functionvar comments = newArray();
// base case: node is a comment nodeif (curr_element.nodeName == "#comment" || curr_element.nodeType == 8) {
// You need this OR because some browsers won't support either nodType or nodeName... I think...
comments[comments.length] = curr_element;
// recursive case: node is not a comment nodeelseif(curr_element.childNodes.length>0) {
for (var i = 0; i<curr_element.childNodes.length; i++) {
// adventures with recursion!
comments = comments.concat(traverseDom(curr_element.childNodes[i]));
return comments;
Solution 2:
You can use .childNodes
to retrieve all children instead of .getElementsByTagName('*')
which will only return child elements.
Here is a function to retrieve all descendants of a DOM node:
var ret = [];
if( node )
var childNodes = node.childNodes;
for( var i = 0, l = childNodes.length; i < l; ++i )
var childNode = childNodes[i];
ret = ret.concat(getDescendantNodes(childNode));
return ret;
Solution 3:
If you don't care about IE, you could avoid the recursive approach and possibly improve performance (untested) by using a TreeWalker
using document.createTreeWalker
functiongetCommentNodes(containerNode) {
var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(containerNode,
NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, null, false);
var comments = [];
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
return comments;
Solution 4:
Node types (non exhaustive):
- Element
- Text
- Comment
only picks up Element nodes. childNodes
, nextSibling
, etc. pick up all kinds of nodes. nextElementSibling
only picks up Elements.
Solution 5:
You would need to use the innerHtml and then use a parser to find the comments in it.
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