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Count + / - For Checkbox Click And Unclick

When a user clicks the checkbox the counter #counter +1, thats fine, but when he unchecks it does not -1 for the same checkbox. I want to +1 when they click a particular checkbox

Solution 1:

$('.CheckBox').change(function() {
  if (this.checked) {
  } else {
  $('#Counter').html('( '+i+' Selected )');

Make sure you initialise var i = 0; when the page loads.

Solution 2:

try a different approach:


  var n_checkboxes_checked = $('.CheckBox:checked').length;
  $('#Counter').html(n_checkboxes_checked + ' Selected');

Solution 3:

jsFiddle demo:

Use change(), not toggle()

var i = 0;
$('.CheckBox').change(function() {
    if ( $(this).attr('checked') ) {
    } else {

    $('#Counter').html('( ' + i + ' Selected )');

Solution 4:

You don't have any code that deals with clicking on checkbox here. .toggle in jquery just deals with hiding/showing element.

upd. i think you don't need to go through all .checkbox elements as others have proposed.. and you don't need global variable i. Instead something like

$('.CheckBox input').click(function(){
    $('#Counter').html('( '+$('.CheckBox input:checked').length()+' Selected )');

Solution 5:

in the jQuery documentation it says....

    Description: Bind two or more handlers to the matched elements, to be executed on alternate clicks.

.toggle( handler(eventObject), handler(eventObject) [, handler(eventObject)] )
handler(eventObject)A functionto execute every even time the element is clicked.
handler(eventObject)A functionto execute every odd time the element is clicked.

so it has nothing to do with check/uncheck

do it this way

        $('#Counter').html('( '+i+' Selected )');
        $('#Counter').html('( '+i+' Selected )');

yes click instead of toggle...i missed that and u shud use attr instead

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