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Checkbox Check/uncheck Using D3

I am having difficulty checking and unchecking checkboxes using d3 selection. The following code doesn't seem to work. I want all check boxes to be checked when 'check' is pressed,

Solution 1:

Use property() instead of attr():

function checkAll() {
    d3.selectAll('input').property('checked', true);
function uncheckAll() {
    d3.selectAll('input').property('checked', false);


Some HTML elements have special properties that are not addressable using standard attributes or styles. For example, form text fields have a value string property, and checkboxes have a checked boolean property. You can use the property operator to get or set these properties.

Solution 2:

Change your uncheckAll function to set the checked attributes to null instead of false:

function uncheckAll(){

The checked attribute is either present, optionally set to checked="checked", or absent (no checked attribute at all). Setting it to null will remove the attribute, in this case.

Solution 3:

What you need to do is update the checked value of the element as follows:

  if("type") == "checkbox") = true;

This will ensure only all checkbox states are changed

Solution 4:

You can limit your selection to only checkboxes by filtering the selection on the type attribute,

d3.selectAll("input[type=checkbox]").property("checked", true);

This avoids setting the checked attribute on non-checkbox inputs that are present.

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