Xmlhttprequest Error: Origin Not Allowed By Access-control-allow-origin
Basically I want to create an AddOn for Firefox which will fetch only RSS feeds from particular website. But I am getting an error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.-** Origi
Solution 1:
Same-origin policy applies to web content, but cross-domain requests are possible in FF add-ons. See here and here for two ways of accomplishing this.
p.s.: If you are interested, there are some nifty ways to do cross-site requests in plain old sites, using YQL (yahoo query language) (and here) and even CSSHttpRequest (I haven't tried the latter, but I've seen some cool demos).
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
You can't use the normal xhr from one domain to another. You need to use the new XHR or the one speciall made for addons. If you're on GM, it's the one starting with GM_*
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