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Using A Loop To Set Multiple Timeouts For A Function

I'm using Moment.js to handle time. 10 Inning objects (durations) have properly been defined with start and end times, as shown in this question's JSFiddle. This script is meant t

Solution 1:

Actual problem with ending dates does not belong to timeouts (however, that's still a problem with them)

first - you created one inning object while you need to create 10

so, move

var inning = newObject();

inside the first for loop, this way you will create 10 inning objects instead of one.

second - you misused moment library object

inning.start = beginning.moment.add("hours", (inningHours * x)); //WRONG

you just modified beginning.moment variable which is not what you trying to achieve!

In javascript, all objects are passed by references

So, you must create new moment object and then modify it.

inning.start = moment(beginning.moment).add("hours", (inningHours * x)); //correct

third - timeout problem. For every timeout we need to create another function with another x variable

Closures was hard to understand for me, so keep trying.

Let's create a function which will return another function

    returnfunction () {

and then we will pass new function where x will be "locked" to its value to setTimeout

setTimeout(endInningFunc(x), timeTillEnd);

last thing, don't use global variables!

for example, for (var x=0);

finally, the working example.

Solution 2:

function doSetTimeout(i) {
  setTimeout(function() { alert(i); }, 100);

for (var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {

copied it from setTimeout in for-loop does not print consecutive values I won't use it if I am looping too much as every function call is creating a new function object and it will be memory intensive if you are looping too much, alternative would be to create a class like structure. example

functionInning(x) {
    this.x= x;

Inning.prototype.onTimeOut = function() {
    // do your thing with this.x

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