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Mocha Only Running One Test File

My Mocha tests were working fine, but when I added a new module (and test), mocha stopped running all of my test files and now only runs the single new test. My test script: env NO

Solution 1:

Put single quotes around the pattern you pass to Mocha to prevent it being interpreted by your shell: 'src/**/*.test.js'

What happens is that, without the quotes, your shell tries to expand that pattern and is successful. The result of expansion is src/some-other-module/some-other-module.test.js and this is what is passed to Mocha.

Before you created that file, the shell still tried to expand the pattern but was not successful and left the pattern as-is. So Mocha got src/**/*.test.js, which Mocha itself interpreted as a glob.

In case you wonder, in Bash, unless the globstar option is turned on, ** is equivalent to *.

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