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How To Get The Nextsibling After The First Nextsibling?

We are able to run this code str.parentNode.nextSibling.tagName and get the name accordingly. What we need is the nextSibling after this nextSibling so we tried this str.parentNod

Solution 1:

childNodes[3] will return the fourth child of parentNode, not its second next sibling.

To get that node, you can apply nextSibling twice:

var tagName = str.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.tagName;

Solution 2:

Note that an element's nextSibling might be a text node, which doesn't have a tagName property, or may not exist at all, in which case nextSibling will be undefined and trying to access its tagName property will throw an error.

So you likely want do to something like:

var nextSibling = getNextElementSibling(str.parentNode);
var tagName = nextSibling? nextSibling.tagName : ''; // or maybe undefined  if (tagName) {
  // do stuff

} else {
  // no element sibling was found

and the getNextElementSibling function is something like:

functiongetNextElementSibling(node) {

  while (node && (node = node.nextSibling)) {
    if (node.nodeType == 1) {
      return node;
  // return undefined

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