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Whats Wrong With This Jquery Validation Code? Regexp.exec(value)

Value will be anything and matches is null. The point of this is to split up a string like '1991-12-01' and make sure that all of the parts of the string are valid dates. dateISO:

Solution 1:

The expression you're giving is a string, thus, needs escaping:

var regexp = newRegExp('^\\d{4}[\\/-](\\d{1,2})[\\/-](\\d{1,2})$');

Alternatively, you can do the perl-styled expressions, but slashes need to be escaped:

var regexp = /^\d{4}[\\/-](\d{1,2})[\\/-](\d{1,2})$/;

(The perl-styled regular expression returns a RegExp object)

Solution 2:

Why not just skip regex altogether here? I know this is way more code, but it will give errors for dates that a regex can't, like a date specifying November 31st.

var datesToTest = [
    "1991-12-01"// valid
  , "1991-11-31"// invalid, Nov has 30 days
  , "1991-13-01"// invalid, no 13th month

// Note: console.log() requires Firebug - switch to alert() if you wishfor ( var i = 0; i < datesToTest.length; i++ )
  if ( !isValidDate( datesToTest[i], '-' ) )
    console.log( datesToTest[i] + ' is not a valid date!' );
  } else {
    console.log( datesToTest[i] + ' is valid date!' );

functionisValidDate( dateAsString, delimiter )
  var dateObject = newDate( dateAsString.replace( newRegExp( delimiter, 'g' ), '/' ) );
  var checkDate = [
    , zeroFill( dateObject.getMonth() + 1, 2 )
    , zeroFill( dateObject.getDate(), 2 )
  ].join( delimiter );
  return ( dateAsString == checkDate );

functionzeroFill(number, width )
  width -= number.toString().length;
  if ( width > 0 )
    returnnewArray( width + (/\./.test( number ) ? 2 : 1) ).join( '0' ) + number;

This will work as long as you don't need to validate a date before 100 AD =P

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