Send Bytearray To Javascript
How to send a jpg image as ByteArray from as3 to javascript? And how to convert ByteArray to image in javascript?
Solution 1:
The JavaScript and DOM implementations of current web browsers don't really have good mechanisms for doing this sort of thing.
Your best bet is to have your AS3 return a DATA protocol URI with a base64-encoded version of the image. Modern browsers (IE8+, FF2+, etc) will accept a DATA URI as the SRC of an IMG tag and will render the image contained therein.
You'll have to have a AS3 expert explain how to turn an byte-array into a base64-encoded string, but it cannot be that hard.
Solution 2:
There is a method in this class that does that:
var data:String = DisplayObjectUtils.getBase64ImageDataString();
will return this string:
You then set the src of an img in html to that value.
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