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How To Reverse String.fromcharcode?

String.fromCharCode(72) gives H. How to get number 72 from char H?

Solution 1:


Solution 2:

Use charCodeAt:

var str = 'H';
var charcode = str.charCodeAt(0);

Solution 3:

@Silvio's answer is only true for code points up to 0xFFFF (which in the end is the maximum that String.fromCharCode can output). You can't always assume the length of a character is one:

-> 2

Here's something that works:

var utf16ToDig = function(s) {
    var length = s.length;
    var index = -1;
    var result = "";
    var hex;
    while (++index < length) {
        hex = s.charCodeAt(index).toString(16).toUpperCase();
        result += ('0000' + hex).slice(-4);
    returnparseInt(result, 16);

Using it:

-> "d800df30"

(Inspiration from

Solution 4:

You can define your own global functions like this:


    return chr.charCodeAt(0);

Then use them like this:

var mySTR = CHR(72);


var myNUM = ORD('H');

(If you want to use them more than once, and/or a lot in your code.)

Solution 5:

String.fromCharCode accepts multiple arguments, so this is valid:

const binaryArray = [10, 24] // ...str = String.fromCharCode(...binaryArray)

In case you're looking for the opposite of that (like I was), this might come in handy:

const binaryArray = str
  .reduce((acc, next) =>
    [...acc, next.charCodeAt(0)],

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