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How To Delay The Redirect Of A React Router Link Component For 1 Second?

When you click a link, the browser tries to redirect the user ASAP. How can I add a 1 second delay to this process? I have the following link:

Solution 1:

import { withRouter } from'react-router'classHomeextendsComponent {

  delayRedirect = event => {
      const { history: { push } } = this.props;
      setTimeout(()=>push(to), 1000);
  <Linkto={{pathname: `pathname`,
      hash: `#hash`,

export default withRouter(Home);

Use history to push new route after a gap of second

Solution 2:

Here is my function component version, based on @Shishir's answer:

import { Link, useHistory } from"react-router-dom";

exportdefaultfunctionCustomLink({ to, children }) {
  const history = useHistory();

  functiondelayAndGo(e) {

    // Do something..setTimeout(() => history.push(to), 300);

  return (

Solution 3:

Based on Pedro's answer, here's a way to add the delayAndGo function inside a component like a NavBar:

import { Link, useHistory } from"react-router-dom";

exportdefaultfunctionNavBar() {
  const history = useHistory();

  functiondelayAndGo(e, path) {

    // Do something..setTimeout(() => history.push(path), 300);

  return (
    <Linkto="/"onClick={(e) => delayAndGo(e, "/")}>
    </Link><Linkto="/about"onClick={(e) => delayAndGo(e, "/about")}>
    </Link><Linkto="/portfolio"onClick={(e) => delayAndGo(e, "/portfolio")}>

Note the to value of the Link elements do not matter in this approach.

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