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Closures Can't Be Serialized, How To Do Callbacks Via Ajax To Php?

Question How can i implement a PHP callback being passed over AJAX with the PHP callback being called by the page requested by AJAX? The Setup Comments are posted via AJAX and the

Solution 1:

Create a function that is the callback, then pass the function name via ajax, and call it like this:

$callback = 'callback_function_name'; $callback($params...);

Solution 2:

Maybe I don't get what you're trying to do, but could you do something like:


   //Do some stuff here.

   //Do some different stuff here.

Your php callback could then call window.myappstuff.onSuccess or window.myappstuff.onFailure. You could also use random function names instead.

Solution 3:

On the whole, I'd have to recommend a rethink. It's considered bad practice to send anything even remotely code-like via ajax, for security reasons. I could, for example, "intercept" the reply using firebug or something, change whatever to my code.If you send a function name and arguments, I can change them. Suppose your script validates user input, I could just make it so that an ajax call returns a non-existing function. Your script will fail, and with it all form of input validation is gone.If you send a full function definition as string, I can go even further.

You might have seen people do something like this:

echo'function(argument){ console.log(argument);}("something"));';

This is just plain text, no JSON. Then, in JS they'll do something that should be considered a crime against humanity:

//readystatechange callback:if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200)
    return eval(this.responseText);//<=== EVIL - EVIL - EVIL

This is insane it's EVIL don't even look at thisWhat you can do as some sort of quick fix is write a generic onreadystatechange function:

//readystatechangeif (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200)
    var returnObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
        case 'DomAction':
            return domSwitch(;//<-- based on data domSwitch will decide what to do
        case 'setVar':
            return varSwitch(;
            return educatedGuess(returnObject);//<-- desperate

But again, when you send a request, you generally have a certain expectation as to what kind of data you'll get back, and what you want to do with it, so you could create a readystatechange handler on the fly for each ajax request, to deal with that particular call.

Solution 4:

Instead of passing callbacks, create the functions in advance on the server and pass the name of the function to execute, with list of arguments to pass it.

Besides, here is the place where you start using angular.js. This way you'll have a client side model of the forum topic with a field of posts_count which you'll update on on the client side and angluar's bindings will update the view wherever you use data from this model.

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