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Chrome Extension And Dropbox Dropin Saver Error

I'm writing a chrome extension to save images found on a webpage to dropbox. I'm trying to use the dropin saver api to do this, however I am getting an error when the 'save to drop

Solution 1:

The Dropbox Saver Dropin checks the domain which the button is being displayed/used on against a list of domains specified when you registered the app.

Since this is a chrome extension, it does not have the usual type of domain name, so instead you need to add the chrome extension ID in the Drop-ins domains in the Dropbox App Console.

Your extension ID is ogmklfknlcgklhfljkcijikghbnghcal (visible in the origin value of the dropbox URL you posted). If you add this to the drop in domains then it should work fine.

Solution 2:

I think this error is coming from Dropbox and means that the page that's originating the call to the Dropbox Saver is not on a domain you allowed via the App Console.

If the Saver is originating on a page that's part of your extension, you should be able to just add that domain (the ugly string after chrome-extension://) in the App Console and be good to go.

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