Angular 4: Reactive Form Control Is Stuck In Pending State With A Custom Async Validator
Solution 1:
There's a gotcha!
That is, your observable never completes...
This is happening because the observable never completes, so Angular does not know when to change the form status. So remember your observable must to complete.
You can accomplish this in many ways, for example, you can call the
method, or if you are creating your own observable, you can call the complete method on the observer.
So you can use first()
briteVerifyValidator(service: Service) {
return(control: AbstractControl) => {
if (!control.valueChanges) {
} else {
return control.valueChanges.pipe(
switchMap(value => service.getData(value)),
map(data => {
return data.status === 'invalid' ? { invalid: true } : null;
A slightly modified validator, i.e always returns error: STACKBLITZ
.map(data => {
returndata.status === 'invalid' ? { invalid: true } : null;
A slightly modified validator, i.e always returns error: STACKBLITZ
Solution 2:
So what I did was to throw a 404 when the username was not taken and use the subscribe error path to resolve for null, and when I did get a response I resolved with an error. Another way would be to return a data property either filled width the username or empty through the response object and use that insead of the 404
In this example I bind (this) to be able to use my service inside the validator function
An extract of my component class ngOnInit()
//signup.component.tsconstructor(private authService: AuthServic //this will be included with bind(this)) {
ngOnInit() {
this.user = newFormGroup(
email: newFormControl("", Validators.required),
username: newFormControl(
CustomUserValidators.usernameUniqueValidator.bind(this) //the whole class
password: newFormControl("", Validators.required),
{ updateOn: "blur" });
An extract from my validator class
control: FormControl
): Promise<ValidationErrors | null> {
let controlBind = thisasany;
let authService = controlBind.authServiceasAuthService;
//I just added types to be able to get my functions as I type returnnewPromise(resolve => {
if (control.value == "") {
} else {
() => {
usernameExists: {
valid: false
() => {
Solution 3:
I've been doing it slightly differently and faced the same issue.
Here is my code and the fix in case if someone would need it:
forbiddenNames(control: FormControl): Promise<any> | Observable<any> {
const promise = newPromise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (control.value.toUpperCase() === 'TEST') {
resolve({'nameIsForbidden': true});
} else {
returnnull;//HERE YOU SHOULD RETURN resolve(null) instead of just null
}, 1);
return promise;
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