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Realm React-native: Access Same Realm From Js(react Native Code) And Android(java)

I have a use case where i am receiving some data in android code(native). I want to insert this data into the same realm which is opened or made by my react code. Or write in the

Solution 1:

If I understood correctly, I just want to use Realm both on native and react native code correct?

If so, it should be as simple as initialising the Realms on both codes (with the same path), and write/query normally. I did this and it worked.

Solution 2:

I have the same requirement and tried accessing the same file from android and react-native which breaks my application. I changed to pathfile on one side to proof its pathfile related.

It would be great, if someone from the realm team can confirm this is/should work or not and what I should do to fix this issue. I assume more users will use services in android and need to access the data in react-native.

versions js: "realm": "^2.21.0", "react-native": "0.57.7",

version android: '' minSdkVersion = 26

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