Module Type Is Not Detectable On A Nodejs With Vanillajs Configured Project
Solution 1:
I created for this project, a nodejs server configured to accept javascript as es6 modules.
That doesn't matter.
Your error message is client side.
You have two different JS programs. One running through Node.js (which creates a web server) and one running in the browser.
The error message is from the latter.
Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
So let's trace this:
The browser is asking for http://localhost:3333/index.js
and getting an HTML document. That isn't a JS file, so it errors.
Likely you don't have an index.js
file in the express
folder where you told Express to look for static files.
Solution 2:
I have found the solution.
I should specify the root directory like this: app.use(express.static(__dirname));
Thanks @Quentin
Solution 3:
Best way to configure your NodeJS to accepting E6 Syntax is by using Babel and not the type:module thing(Personal believe).
To get started install the following packages
npm i @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-env
- If your using yarn then
yarn add @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-env
Now create a file called:.babelrc
- In the .babelrc file do the following below
Finally time to setup your package.json scripts
"start":"babel-node server.js"
"dev":"nodemon --exec babel-node server.js"
By doing this now your NodeJS will be using ES6 and you wont even face any problems
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