How To Trigger Mouse:over Event After A Certain Interval Using Fabricjs?
I want to trigger the mouse:over event only when the user hovers over an elements for more than a specific set interval (for example 200ms). Currently I have used this example for
Solution 1:
In your case I think you can use setTimeout function inside the mouse:over
handler. This way you can put some delay before executing the code.
So what I did:
1) Use setTimeout
inside mouse:over
2) save reference to the started timeout in var timeout;
3) use clearTimeout on timeout
variable in mouse:out
handler to prevent the code in mouse:over
been executed if mouse is out before the delay is fully completed
(function() {
var canvas = this.__canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
fabric.Object.prototype.transparentCorners = false;
var timeout;
canvas.on('mouse:over', function(e) {
if(! returnfalse;
timeout = setTimeout(function(){'red');
}, 1000)
canvas.on('mouse:out', function(e) {
if(! returnfalse;
/* clear the timeout so we make sure that mouse:over code will not execute if delay is not completed */clearTimeout(timeout);'green');
// add random objectsfor (var i = 15; i--; ) {
var dim = fabric.util.getRandomInt(30, 60);
var klass = ['Rect', 'Triangle', 'Circle'][fabric.util.getRandomInt(0,2)];
var options = {
top: fabric.util.getRandomInt(0, 300),
left: fabric.util.getRandomInt(0, 300),
fill: 'green'
if (klass === 'Circle') {
options.radius = dim;
else {
options.width = dim;
options.height = dim;
canvas.add(new fabric[klass](options));
The current timeout that I'm using in this code snippet is 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. You can adjust this in the setTimeout
function. I hope this was helpful for you, let me know if something is unclear.
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