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Finding Middle Element Of An Array In Javascript

I need to write a program that finds the middle of an array and returns the value stored there unless the array is even then it should return the average of the two middle most num

Solution 1:

This should get you somewhere (from this SO answer):

if (nums.length %2 == 0) {
    // even-length array (two middle elements)
    var avg = (nums[(nums.length/2) - 1] + nums[nums.length/2]) /2;

Solution 2:

Try the following:

      Write a function named getMiddle that returns the value of the middle element in an array. If the array has an even number of elements, then this function must return the average of the two middle elements.
      */var testNumbers = [0, 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

            var mid = getMiddle(JSON.parse(document.getElementById("lst").value));
            outputDiv1.innerHTML = mid;
            if(list.length % 2 == 1){
                return list[(list.length-1)/2];
                return (list[(list.length/2)]+list[(list.length/2 -1)])/2
<!DOCTYPE HTML><htmllang="en-us"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>Add Ends</title></head><body><inputid="lst"><buttontype="button"onclick="output()">Find the Middle</button><br><divid="outputDiv1"></div></body></html>

Solution 3:

var idx = (testNumbers.length-1) / 2;
document.getElementById('outputDiv1').textContent =
  ( testNumbers[Math.floor(idx)] + testNumbers[Math.ceil(idx)] )/2;

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