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How To Break Up An Object With A String Of Values To Create A New Array Of Objects?

I was working on a solution to another question posed, and I came up with a solution, but I'm convinced that there's a more elegant way to do it. Let's say that you have an object

Solution 1:

Functional style is great. Here's a more direct approach.

var newObjects = [];
for(var k in o) {
    var vals = o[k].split(',');
    for(var i = 0, len = vals.length; i < len; i++) {
        newObjects[i] = newObjects[i] || {};
        newObjects[i][k] = vals[i];

I wouldn't worry too much about the implementation until you come up with a nice, compact, semantic name for this operation. Any ideas?

Solution 2:

So, I did a little refactoring of my code to create a more functional and cleaner looking answer:

var obj = { "action" : "goto,goto", "target" : "," }

// separate and split the values form the object
functionseparate(obj) { 
    return _.values( obj ), function(value) {
        return value.split(',');
// returns [[ "goto", "goto"], ["", ""]]

// call separate and recombine the values with zip
functionseparateAndRecombine(obj) {
    return, separate(obj));
// returns [[ "goto", ""], ["goto", ""]]

// accept an object that has properties with a string of values
// separated by commas, and separate the values to create an array of objects
functionunwind(obj) {
    return separateAndRecombine(obj), function(value) { 
            return _.object(_.keys(obj), value)
/* returns:
    [{ "action" : "goto", "target" : "" },
    { "action" : "goto", "target" : "" }] */

Now, unwind() will take an object with any number of properties or values and 'unwind' all of the existing properties.

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