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Prime-ng Confirm Dialog: Hide The Button After Confirmation

I'm struggling with a problem using Angular and PrimeNG. There is an Input Field for weight allowing numbers up to 150. If the typed in value is greater than 150, a Confirm Button

Solution 1:

You can simply take one bool variable and set it on confirmDialog button click

messagesWeightTest: Message[] = [];

public weightConfirmed: boolean = false;

  confirmWeightTest() {

      message: 'Are you sure?',
      header: 'Confirmation',
      icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
      key: 'confirmWeightTest',
      accept: () => {
        this.messagesWeightTest = [{
          severity: 'info', summary: 'Confirmed', detail: 'The input is correct.'}];
          this.weightConfirmed = true;
      reject: () => {
        this.sessionService.newTest.testWeight = null;
        this.weightConfirmed = true;
<div *ngIf="validateIfWeightOutsideRange()"><div><p-confirmDialogkey="confirmWeightTest"></p-confirmDialog><button *ngIf="!weightConfirmed"type="button" (click)="confirmWeightTest()"pButtonicon="pi pi-check"label="Please confirm!"></button><p-messages [value]="messagesWeightTest"></p-messages></div></div>

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