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Finding Closest Points To A Certain Point Given Its Coordinates And Maximum Distance - Query Result Undefined Using Mongoose With Mean Stack

I've an issue that I wasn't able to solve in some days, even looking at related Stack Overflow Q/A. I'm developing an application reusing Scotch's Create a MEAN Stack Google Map Ap

Solution 1:

I don't understand what's beneath all your code, but I know a thing: If you are using Google's Radar Search, you must take into consideration that

The maximum allowed radius is 50 000 meters.

Just take a look at their Documentation

Meaning that if you try with higher radius, results could be Zero

Solution 2:

I finally managed to solve this issue.

Essentially, the issue was caused by the schema, since 2dIndex was referred to a wrong field (type and coordinates).

I solved using the following Schema:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
varGeoJSON  = require('geojson');
varSchema   = mongoose.Schema;

var geoObjects = newSchema({
                               name : {type: String},
                               type: {
                                       type: String,
                                       enum: [
                                coordinates: [Number],
                                created_at: {type: Date, default:},
                                updated_at: {type: Date, default:}

// Sets the created_at parameter equal to the current time
geoObjects.pre('save', function(next){
   now = newDate();
   this.updated_at = now;
   if(!this.created_at) {
      this.created_at = now

geoObjects.index({coordinates: '2dsphere'});

module.exports = mongoose.model('geoObjects', geoObjects);

And the following Query:'/query/', function(req, res) {

        // Grab all of the query parameters from the body.var lat = req.body.latitude;
        var long = req.body.longitude;
        var distance = req.body.distance;

        var query = GeoObjects.find({'type':'Point'});

        // ...include filter by Max Distance if (distance) {

            // Using MongoDB's geospatial querying features. 
            query = query.where('coordinates').near({
                center: {
                    type: 'Point',
                    coordinates: [lat, long]

                // Converting meters to milesmaxDistance: distance * 1609.34,
                spherical: true

        // Execute Query and Return the Query Results
        query.exec(function(err, geoObjects) {
            if (err)

            // If no errors, respond with a JSON 

I hope it will help someone!


The schema I put over causes a bit of problems with LineStrings and Polygons.

Here are correct schemas which allow using geoQueries


var mongoose = require('mongoose');
varSchema   = mongoose.Schema;

// Creates a LineString Schema.var linestrings = newSchema({
    name: {type: String, required : true},
    geo : {
        type : {type: String,
            default: "LineString"},
        coordinates : Array
    created_at: {type: Date, default:},
    updated_at: {type: Date, default:}

// Sets the created_at parameter equal to the current time
linestrings.pre('save', function(next){
    now = newDate();
    this.updated_at = now;
    if(!this.created_at) {
        this.created_at = now

linestrings.index({geo : '2dsphere'});
module.exports = mongoose.model('linestrings', linestrings);


var mongoose = require('mongoose');
varSchema   = mongoose.Schema;

// Creates a Polygon Schema.var polygons = newSchema({
    name: {type: String, required : true},
    geo : {
        type : {type: String,
            default: "Polygon"},
        coordinates : Array
    created_at: {type: Date, default:},
    updated_at: {type: Date, default:}

// Sets the created_at parameter equal to the current time
polygons.pre('save', function(next){
    now = newDate();
    this.updated_at = now;
    if(!this.created_at) {
        this.created_at = now

polygons.index({geo : '2dsphere'});
module.exports = mongoose.model('polygons', polygons);

LineString Insert:


Polygon Insert:

    "name" : "Poly", 
    "geo" : {
        "type" : "Polygon", 
        "coordinates" :  [
                             [25.774, -80.190], [18.466, -66.118], 
                             [32.321, -64.757], [25.774, -80.190] 

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