Check Internet Connection On Ios App With Cordova Phonegap 3.3.0 Not Working
I have tried following this guide on Cordova docs, but it doesn't seem to work. Here is my code: I have added to config.
Solution 1:
I finally solved the problem!! - by starting all over again from scratch and doing the following:
Command line:
sudo npm install -g cordova
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
cd hello
cordova platform add ios
cordova platforms ls //This will list ios
cordova plugin add
cordova build
Then drag my files (HTML, Javascript etc) into the platforms/ios/www/
Open up hello.xcodeproj
in xcode.
Edit config.xml and add the lines:
<featurename="NetworkStatus"><paramname="ios-package"value="CDVConnection" /></feature>
Then in my index file I used the JavaScript:
<scripttype="text/javascript">document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// device APIs are availablefunctiononDeviceReady() {
if( == Connection.NONE){
Then run it in the iPhone / iPad simulator and it will output "yescon" if there is a connection and "nocon" if there isn't!!
Hope this helps!
Solution 2:
This works for me:
if( == Connection.NONE){
//no connection
//You are connected.
Though I look in the documentation and looks like there's a difference using these lines:
var networkState =; is set to Connection.CELL_2G
for all cellular data.
Would it be var networkState = Connection.CELL_2G;
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