Validate Character Amount, Text Length And Decimal Places From Input Using Javascript
I am using a javascript to validate input from a textbox that's inside a ASPxGridView control(DevExpress component). I am using this javascript code to validate it(thru OnKeyPress
Solution 1:
/^\d{0,3}(,\d{0,2})?$/.test(textbox.value + char);
This will match any number with as many as three pre-decimal places. Optionally, it allows a decimal and up to 2 decimal places. Also matches the empty string, for ease of use. So this will check to make sure the resultant box matches.
An explanation of the regEx:
Start of string
0 to 3 digits (inclusive)
An optional group
A comma followed by 0 to 2 digits (inclusive)
End of string.
Solution 2:
var regex_test = /^[1-9][0-9]{0,2},[0-9][0-9]{0,1}$/;
var string = '766,99';
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