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Validate A Boolean Expression With Brackets In Javascript Regex

I want to validate a string in javascript that contains a Boolean expression with brackets. The string should only contain numbers 1-9, (), OR , AND. Examples of good strings: '1

Solution 1:

In JavaScript, you can use the following.
replace 'AND/OR/NOT' with '&&/||/!'.
use eval to evaluate it.

Careful because eval is a powerful function

var string = "0 AND 2";
var string1 = "0 OR 2";
var string2 = "NOT 0";
function evaluate(string){

Solution 2:

While regex alone isn't powerful enough for this task (because JS regex can't handle nested braces), it's an easy task with a little help from Javascript.

Since we can't deal with nested braces, we'll deal with the braces one at a time until none are left. The pattern \(\d\)|\d (?:AND|OR) \d|\d will match an expression of the form (X) or X AND/OR Y or X (where X and Y are digits). We replace all occurrences of this pattern with 1 (or any other valid expression in your boolean language), until the pattern no longer matches. If after all replacements are done the string is "1", then it was a valid expression.

function validate(expression){
  const pattern = /\(\d\)|\d (?:AND|OR) \d|\d/g;
  while (true){
    const replaced = expression.replace(pattern, "1");

    // if the expression has been reduced to "1", it's valid
    if (replaced == "1") return true;

    // if the pattern didn't match, it's invalid
    if (replaced == expression) return false;

    // otherwise, continue replacing
    expression = replaced;

Note that the regex doesn't allow for extra spaces.

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