Fetch More Than 100 Messages
I'm trying to figure out a way to use loops to get old messages on discord using fetchMesasges() and before. I'd like to get more than the 100 limit using a loop but I cannot figur
Solution 1:
What you can do is use an async/await function and a loop to make sequntial requests
async function lots_of_messages_getter(channel, limit = 500) {
const sum_messages = [];
let last_id;
while (true) {
const options = { limit: 100 };
if (last_id) {
options.before = last_id;
const messages = await channel.fetchMessages(options);
last_id = messages.last().id;
if (messages.size != 100 || sum_messages >= limit) {
return sum_messages;
Solution 2:
This works for me using discord.js v 11.5.1 and TypeScript. It is an updated version of Jason's post.
The reason I used this is because: DiscordAPI limit maxes out at 100 for fetching messages and the deprecated TextChannel#fetchMessages() method no longer exists.
I updated it to use the TextChannel#messages object's fetch(options?: ChannelLogsQueryOptions, cache?: boolean) method to fetch Collections of 100 or less messages.
async function getMessages(channel: TextChannel, limit: number = 100): Promise<Message[]> {
let out: Message[] = []
if (limit <= 100) {
let messages: Collection < string, Message > = await channel.messages.fetch({ limit: limit })
} else {
let rounds = (limit / 100) + (limit % 100 ? 1 : 0)
let last_id: string = ""
for (let x = 0; x < rounds; x++) {
const options: ChannelLogsQueryOptions = {
limit: 100
if (last_id.length > 0) {
options.before = last_id
const messages: Collection < string, Message > = await channel.messages.fetch(options)
last_id = messages.array()[(messages.array().length - 1)].id
return out
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