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How To Trigger A Function Using @click Inside Infowindow Of Google Maps In Vue Js?

My current code is addpolygon: function(e) { var vm = this; var point = { lat: parseFloat(, lng: parseFloat(e.latLng.lng()) };

Solution 1:

New Solution

Call a global method from InfoWindow using plain-old click handler.


Then use a closure to access your vm from the global method.

const vm = this window.removePoint = function(id) { vm.removePoint(id) }

IF you have multiple instances, you will need to extend this approach.

Old Solution

There are 2 issues here.

First, fix the syntax error concerning the quote.

vm.markerid + ")\">Remove</a>"

Even better, take advantage of template strings to avoid this kind of quote insanity.

vm.infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content:`
<a class="btn btn-danger" @click.native="removePoint(${vm.markerid})">Remove</a>`, maxWidth: 300 });

Second, any function inside a vue template is always within the scope of the component. Assume a this. object is placed in front. So calling removePoint is really calling this.removePoint.

Define function inside instance.

vm.removePoint = function(id) { console.log(`removing point ${id}...`) }

Or make sure your component options defines removePoint in the methods section.

You can also define removePoint globally (on the window object) and call $window.removePoint(" + vm.markerId + ")" from the template if using a plugin such as

@click.native=\"$window.removePoint(" + vm.markerid ...

function removePoint(id) { console.log(`removing point ${id}...`) }

Solution 2:

@StevenSpungin solution worked like a charm. Thanks.. Just to make it simple.

while creating marker content,

markerContent += `<button onclick='editVehicle(${});'>EDIT</button>`;

and on created(any component)

 created() {
    let that = this;
    window.editAppointment = function(vehicleId) {
        console.log("vehicleId", vehicleId);

Solution 3:

in your mounted method map the window method to the vue method:

    window.linkToKey = this.linkToKey;    // vue method wired to window method

and in the html for your infoWindow:

const contentString =`<img onClick="linkToKey('${video.key}')" src="images/${video.key}.png">`;
const infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content: contentString,

and then you can define your vue method as expected:

methods: {
    linkToKey(key) {
        console.log('key', key);            

then the window method is wired to your vue method and you can do everything as expected on the click of any items in the InfoWindow

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