Find One Or Create With Mongoose
Solution 1:
As per the Mongoose docs:
As per previous SO answer
"Finds a matching document, updates it according to the update arg, passing any options, and returns the found document (if any) to the callback."
In the options set upsert to true:
upsert: bool - creates the object if it doesn't exist. defaults to false.
Model.findByIdAndUpdate(id, { $set: { name: 'SOME_VALUE' }}, { upsert: true }, callback)
Solution 2:
Related to Yosvel Quintero's answer which didn't work for me:
pageSchema.statics.findOneOrCreate = function findOneOrCreate(condition, callback) {
const self = this
self.findOne(condition, (err, result) => {
return result ? callback(err, result) : self.create(condition, (err, result) => { return callback(err, result) })
And then use it like:
Page.findOneOrCreate({ key: 'value' }, (err, page) => {
// ... code
Solution 3:
Promise async/await
Page.static('findOneOrCreate', async function findOneOrCreate(condition, doc) {
const one = await this.findOne(condition);
return one || this.create(doc);
Page.findOneOrCreate({ id: }, page).then(...).catch(...)
async () => {
const yourPage = await Page.findOneOrCreate({ id: }, page);
Solution 4:
Each Schema can define instance and static methods for its model. Statics are pretty much the same as methods but allow for defining functions that exist directly on your Model
Static method findOneOrCreate
pageSchema.statics.findOneOrCreate = function findOneOrCreate(condition, doc, callback) {
const self = this;
self.findOne(condition, (err, result) => {
return result
? callback(err, result)
: self.create(doc, (err, result) => {
return callback(err, result);
Now when you have an instance of Page
you can call findOneOrCreate
Page.findOneOrCreate({id: 'somePageId'}, (err, page) => {
Solution 5:
One lines solution with async/await
const page = Page.findOne({}).then(p => p || p.create({})
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