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Popup Window Maximize Button

How to enable the maximize and restore button of the popup window using Javascript?

Solution 1:

You have to open a popup like this:'url', 'windowname', 'location=0, status=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=1, width=400, height=400');

The trick is to make the window resizable. Search for the function documentation.

Solution 2:

Using the code I pasted on the bottom, you can emulate these buttons by creating them in your website interface.

To maximise: save the current position with Namespace.outerPositionGet() and size with Namespace.outerSizeGet(), then do Namespace.outerPositionSet({left:0,top:0}) and Namespace.outerSizeSet({width:window.screen.availWidth, height:window.screen.availHeight}).

To restore: just set position and size which were saved when maximising.

var Namespace = (function() {
    var N, W, framePosition, frameChrome, setFramePosition, setFrameChrome;
    N = {};
    W = window;
    setFramePosition = function() {
        var tmp0;
        if (typeof framePosition !== 'undefined') {
        tmp0 = {
            top : W.screenTop,
            left : W.screenLeft
        framePosition = {
            top : - W.screenTop,
            left : tmp0.left - W.screenLeft
        W.moveTo(tmp0.left + framePosition.left, +;
    setFrameChrome = function() {
        var tmp0, tmp1;
        if (typeof frameChrome !== 'undefined') {
        tmp0 = N.innerSizeGet();
        W.resizeTo(tmp0.width, tmp0.height);
        tmp1 = N.innerSizeGet();
        frameChrome = {
            width : tmp0.width - tmp1.width,
            height : tmp0.height - tmp1.height
        W.resizeTo(tmp0.width + tmp1.width, tmp0.height + tmp1.height);
    N.outerPositionSet = function(position) {
    N.outerPositionGet = function() {
        if (typeof W.screenTop !== 'undefined') {
            N.outerPositionGet = function() {
                return {
                    top : W.screenTop +,
                    left : W.screenLeft + framePosition.left
        } else if (typeof W.screenY !== 'undefined') {
            N.outerPositionGet = function() {
                return {
                    top : W.screenY,
                    left : W.screenX
        } else {
            N.outerPositionGet = function() {
                return {
                    top : 0,
                    left : 0
        return N.outerPositionGet();
    N.outerSizeSet = function(size) {
        W.resizeTo(size.width, size.height);
    N.outerSizeGet = function() {
        if (W.outerWidth) {
            N.outerSizeGet = function() {
                return {
                    width : W.outerWidth,
                    height : W.outerHeight
        } else {
            N.outerSizeGet = function() {
                var size;
                size = N.innerSizeGet();
                size.width += frameChrome.width;
                size.height += frameChrome.height;
                return size;
        return N.outerSizeGet();
    N.innerSizeSet = function(size) {
        N.innerSizeSet = function(size) {
            W.resizeTo(size.width + frameChrome.width, size.height + frameChrome.height);
    N.innerSizeGet = function() {
        if (typeof W.innerHeight === 'number') {
            N.innerSizeGet = function() {
                return {
                    width : W.innerWidth,
                    height : W.innerHeight
            return N.innerSizeGet();
        var isDocumentElementHeightOff, node;

        isDocumentElementHeightOff = function() {
            var div, r;
            div = W.document.createElement('div');
   = "2500px";
            W.document.body.insertBefore(div, W.document.body.firstChild);
            r = W.document.documentElement.clientHeight > 2400;
            return r;

        if (typeof W.document.clientWidth === 'number') {
            node = W.document;
        } else if ((W.document.documentElement && W.document.documentElement.clientWidth === 0) || isDocumentElementHeightOff()) {
            node = W.document.body;
        } else if (W.document.documentElement.clientHeight > 0) {
            node = W.document.documentElement;
        N.innerSizeGet = function() {
            return {
                width : node.clientWidth,
                height : node.clientHeight
        return N.innerSizeGet();
    return N;

Solution 3:

I'm assuming you're talking about the alert popup? This can't be done with standard JavaScript.

You best solution would be to try using some of the many popup solutions that have been developed for the various JavaScript frameworks (e.g. jQuery), and seeing if you can tailor this to your particular use.

Solution 4:

try this also. its working for me...'fileURL','status=1,directories=1,menubar=0,toolbar=0,

Solution 5:

You can't, sorry - at least, not universally. The popup is implementation-dependent and there aren't any standard JavaScript methods for controlling it in the manner you describe.

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