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How Can I Convert Bbcode Characters To Jsx? (enriching Text)

Text = 'I have this text [b] and want this part to be bold [/b].' How can I replace the [b] and [/b] with strong html tag so that the output is => I have this text and want this

Solution 1:

Instead of using a basic replace, you should rely on an existing library to achieve this. If you build an homemade solution, you will end with a poor version of another library. Here I will use the library at the top of "react bbcode" on my favorite search engine. Ok lets run bbcode-to-react. They even have an example. Lets copy paste it to your mcve.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import parser from 'bbcode-to-react';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <p>{parser.toReact('foo [b]bar[/b]')}</p>

export default App;


foo bar

Alright. You can try it on

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