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Auto Capitalize ONLY The First Letter Of Each Word In An Input Field

I have multiple input fields that obtain a city. I would like while the user is imputing the city name that the first letter of each word to auto capitalize, while the rest of the

Solution 1:

See comments inline for details:

// Get a reference to the input and wire it up to an input event handler that
// calls the fixer function
document.getElementById("txtTest").addEventListener("input", forceLower);

// Event handling functions are automatically passed a reference to the
// event that triggered them as the first argument (evt)
function forceLower(evt) {
  // Get an array of all the words (in all lower case)
  var words =\s+/g);
  // Loop through the array and replace the first letter with a cap
  var newWords ={   
    // As long as we're not dealing with an empty array element, return the first letter
    // of the word, converted to upper case and add the rest of the letters from this word.
    // Return the final word to a new array
    return element !== "" ?  element[0].toUpperCase() + element.substr(1, element.length) : "";
 // Replace the original value with the updated array of capitalized words. = newWords.join(" "); 
<input type="text" id="txtTest">

Solution 2:

you can use css for this text-transform: capitalize

function firstCap(str){
  var returnVar='';
  var strSplit=str.split(' ');
 for(var i=0;i<strSplit.length;i++){
 returnVar=returnVar+strSplit[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+strSplit[i].substring(1).toLowerCase() +' ';
return returnVar
div , input {text-transform: capitalize;}
<script src=""></script>
<div> this is only the first lettter</div>
<input type="text"/>

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