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Why The Code Stops Working When I Start Using LocalStorage?

The code below is only working when I remove the componentWillMount that uses localStorage. With usage localStorage it gives a mistake is not a function

Solution 1:

You have several issues in your example

  1. in localStorage.setItem second argument have to be a String, you can not store Array(when you do it, in storage will be string separated by coma because called method toString - [1, 2, 3].toString() ), you need stringify array before set to Storage

    keyValue A DOMString containing the value you want to give the key you are creating/updating.

       'interests', JSON.stringify(this.state.interests)

    and parse when get value

    let local = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('interests'));
  2. this.setState(this.state) this is not good way to update state, you need update state like so

    deleteInterest(key) {
        interests: this.state.interests.filter((el, i) => i !== key)
    addInterest() {
        value: '', 
        interests: this.state.interests.concat(this.state.value)


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