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In A 2D Canvas, Is There A Way To Give A Sprite An Outline?

I'd like to give a sprite an outline when the character gets healed/damaged/whatever but I can't think of a way to code this using the 2d canvas. If it were possible, I'd think it

Solution 1:

Maybe it would be worth trying this :

• build a canvas 1.1 time bigger than the original sprite
• fill it with the outline color
• draw the sprite scaled by 1.1 on the canvas using destination-in globalCompositeOperation.

Then you have a bigger 'shadow' of your sprite in the outline color.

When you want to draw the outline :

• draw the 'shadow' (centered)
• draw your sprite within the shadow.

Depending on the convexity of your sprite, this will work more or less nicely, but i think it's worth trying since it avoids you doubling the number of input graphic files.

I just did a short try as proof-of-concept and it quite works :,output

Before : enter image description here

After : enter image description here


  <image src='' id='spr'></image>
  <canvas id='cv' width = 500 height= 500 ></canvas>


window.onload=function() {
  var spr = document.getElementById('spr');
  var margin = 4;
  var gh = createGhost(spr, '#F80', margin);
  var cv = document.getElementById('cv');
  var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
  var outlined = true;
  setInterval(function() {
     ctx.clearRect(0,0,cv.width, cv.height);
     if (outlined)       
       ctx.drawImage(gh, 0, 0)
     ctx.drawImage(spr, 0, 0)
     outlined = !outlined;
  }, 400);

function createGhost (img, color, margin) {
  var cv= document.createElement('canvas');
  cv.width = img.width+2*margin;
  cv.height = img.height + 2*margin;
  var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
  ctx.fillStyle = color;
  ctx.fillRect(0,0, cv.width, cv.height);;
  ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
  var scale = cv.width/spr.width;
  ctx.scale(cv.width/spr.width, cv.height/spr.height); 
  ctx.drawImage(img, -margin, -margin);
  return cv;  

Solution 2:

You could use strokeRect method to outline the sprite after drawing it. It should be asy if you know your sprite's dimensions...

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