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Having Trouble Just Getting The Highchart To Show

I'm pretty new to Javascript, Rails and JQuery all working together. I'm going through this tutorial ( on Highcharts

Solution 1:

As we discussed in chat, there were a few missing pieces.

  • You needed a local copy of the Highcharts library
  • You needed to reference your script that calls the library from the correct place.

So, in short, you needed this in your layout:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<script src="/javascripts/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--where you put the high charts library -->
<script src="/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- your script -->

Now going forward (assuming you are working w/ rails 3.1+), I'd suggest moving your javascripts to a more conventional location. In 3.1, rails likes to see it in app/assets/javascripts but public/javascripts is still fine, just not exactly conventional.

You will get a lot of milage by understanding the rails helpers to insert script tags and the Asset Pipeline.

Good luck!

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

There is an issue with the Chart keyword. Please change like

new Highcharts.Chart({ Chart is with small c

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