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Convert Word List Into Array

I've tried to see if there were any scripts to convert a list of words into an array and I can't seem to find one. Anyone know where I can find one? Input: Dog Cat Hamster Gets c

Solution 1:

Just use split on the string.

For example:

var textarea = document.getElementById('list');
var arr = [];
textarea.addEventListener('input', function () {
    arr = this.value.split('\n');
}, false);


Solution 2:

If the string is actually "Dog\nCat\nHamster" then just do

"Dog\nCat\nHamster".split('\n');//returns ["Dog", "Cat", "Hamster"]

For a TextArea try this

myTextArea.value.split('\n'); // it will return desired output.

Where myTextArea is the TextArea you can get using getElement.

Solution 3:

I think the best solution for a textarea input is using the match() function of javascript like this:

var words = []
$('textarea').on('blur', function(){
    words = $(this).val().match(/\w+/g)

here a fiddle of it working.

This doesn't need for the words to be in different lines.

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