Scraping Javascript-Rendered Content In R From A Webpage Without Unique URL
Solution 1:
You are right - the contents on the page are updated by javascript via an ajax request. The server returns a json string in response to an http POST request. With POST requests, the server's response is determined not only by the url you request, but by the body of the message you send to the server. In this case, your body is a simple form with 3 fields: gameName
, which is always LOTTO
, isAjax
which is always true
, and drawNumber
, which is the field you want to vary.
If you are using httr
, you specify these fields as a named list in the body
parameter of the POST
Once you have the response for each draw, you will want to parse the json into an R-friendly format such as a list or data frame using a library such as jsonlite
. From looking at the structure of this particular json, it makes most sense to extract the component $data$drawDetails
and make that a one-row dataframe. This will allow you to bind several draws together into a single data frame.
Here is a function that does all that for you:
lotto_details <- function(draw_numbers)
{"rbind", lapply(draw_numbers, function(x)
res <- httr::POST(paste0("",
body = list(gameName = "LOTTO", drawNumber = x, isAjax = "true")), "text"))$data$drawDetails)
Which you use like this:
#> drawNumber drawDate nextDrawDate ball1 ball2 ball3 ball4 ball5 ball6
#> 1 2009 2020/04/01 2020/04/04 51 15 7 32 42 45
#> 2 2010 2020/04/04 2020/04/08 43 4 21 24 10 3
#> 3 2011 2020/04/08 2020/04/11 42 43 8 18 2 29
#> 4 2012 2020/04/11 2020/04/15 48 6 43 41 25 45
#> bonusBall div1Winners div1Payout div2Winners div2Payout div3Winners
#> 1 1 0 0 0 0 21
#> 2 22 0 0 0 0 31
#> 3 34 0 0 0 0 21
#> 4 38 1 10546013.8 0 0 28
#> div3Payout div4Winners div4Payout div5Winners div5Payout div6Winners
#> 1 8455.3 60 2348.7 1252 189 1786
#> 2 6004.3 71 2080.6 1808 137.3 2352
#> 3 8584.5 60 2384.6 1405 171.1 2079
#> 4 7676.4 62 2751.4 1389 206.3 1872
#> div6Payout div7Winners div7Payout div8Winners div8Payout rolloverAmount
#> 1 115.2 24664 50 19711 20 3809758.17
#> 2 91.7 35790 50 25981 20 5966533.86
#> 3 100.5 27674 50 21895 20 8055430.87
#> 4 133 28003 50 20651 20 0
#> rolloverNumber totalPrizePool totalSales estimatedJackpot
#> 1 2 6198036.67 9879655 6000000
#> 2 3 9073426.56 11696905 8000000
#> 3 4 10649716.37 10406895 10000000
#> 4 0 13280236.5 11610950 2000000
#> guaranteedJackpot drawMachine ballSet status winners millionairs
#> 1 0 RNG2 RNG published 47494 0
#> 2 0 RNG2 RNG published 66033 0
#> 3 0 RNG2 RNG published 53134 0
#> 4 0 RNG2 RNG published 52006 1
#> gpwinners wcwinners ncwinners ecwinners mpwinners lpwinners fswinners
#> 1 47494 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2 66033 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3 53134 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 4 52006 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> kznwinners nwwinners
#> 1 0 0
#> 2 0 0
#> 3 0 0
#> 4 0 0
Solution 2:
The question already has a satisfactory answer (see above) that I've accepted. I simultaneously arrived at a nearly identical solution; I add it here only because it explicitly covers the full range of available draw numbers and will automatically detect the most recent draw number so that the code can be run 'as is' in the future, provided the National Lottery website design remains the same.
theurl <- ""
x <- rvest::html_text(xml2::read_html(theurl))
preceding_string <- "LOTTO, LOTTO PLUS 1 AND LOTTO PLUS 2 DRAW "
drawnums <- as.integer(vapply(gregexpr(preceding_string, x)[[1]] + nchar(preceding_string),
function(k) substr(x, start = k, stop = k + 3), NA_character_))
drawnumrange <- 1506:max(drawnums)
response <- lapply(drawnumrange, function(d) httr::POST(url = theurl,
body = list(gameName = "LOTTO", drawNumber = as.character(d), isAjax =
"true"), encode = "form"))
jsondat <- lapply(response, function(r) jsonlite::parse_json(r)$data$drawDetails)
lottotable <-, jsondat))
numericcols <- c(1, 4:32, 36:37)
lottotable[numericcols] <- sapply(lottotable[numericcols], as.numeric)
xlsx::write.xlsx2(lottotable[1:37], "lottotable.xlsx", row.names = FALSE)
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