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JQuery - Load Info From Database, Into Different Variables?

Basically I can do so it prints out for example one field from the table, but I want to have all of them to different tables or whatever, how would I achieve this? I got this as my

Solution 1:

Looks like Joroen helped you out with the ajax side and hopefully you added the comma he was talking about. The php/mysqli part can be written like this:

   include '../inc/_db.php';

   $code = $_GET['code'];

   $query = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM data WHERE code='$code'");

   $row = mysqli_fetch_array($query));

   print json_encode($row);

In reality this code is scary because you're not cleaning any of the incoming data and using it directly in a SQL statement. Since you already know it's only allowing A-Za-z0-9 characters you should check the value of $_GET['code'] to make sure it's safe to use. I also highly recommend using mysqli prepared statements to avoid some of the funny stuff that can happen with tainted input.

Solution 2:

this is probably a bad programming practice but that is how i would do it.

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
 $return =  $row['coins'].",".$row['id';  //separate the send the values as a comma-separated string
 echo $return;


the js would look like this

$('#coins').load('ajax/loadData.php?code=' + $.cookie('code'));  //collect the values here
var values = $(#coins).text();   //save the values in a srting
var array_of_values = values.split(",");  //split the string at a delimiter and save the values in an array

mind you, this is not likely to work if the query returns multiple rows

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