How Can I Get A User's Id Given Their Username From The Stack Exchange API?
I want to fetch a user's activity on Stack Overflow, using the /users/{ids}/timeline method. The problem is that this method only accepts a user id, yet I want to pass a username,
Solution 1:
I hacked my way by scraping the response from the /users
endpoint with help of YQL for getting the page by AJAX cross-domain.
Here's the rough code (JS Bin):
const idCont = $('div');
const input = $('input');
// input events
input.on('blur', function() {
}).on('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13)
function doAjax(url) {
url = '' + url;
if (url.match('^http')) {
$.getJSON("" +
"q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22" +
encodeURIComponent(url) +
function(data) {
if (data.results[0]) {
data = filterData(data.results[0]);
// clean up the response
function filterData(data) {
data = data.replace(/<?\/body[^>]*>/g, '')
.replace(/[\r|\n]+/g, '')
.replace(/<--[\S\s]*?-->/g, '')
.replace(/<noscript[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/noscript>/g, '')
.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/script>/g, '')
.replace(/<script.*\/>/, '');
return data;
// scrap the DOM for the user's IDs
function getIDs(elm) {
var IDs = '';
elm.find('.user-info').each(function() {
var id = $(this).find('a:first')[0].href.split('/').reverse()[1];
IDs += id + '<br>';
<script src=""></script>
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