Ember.js And Pagination
Solution 1:
So I turned towards creating a mixin that looks a bit like this
App.PaginationHelper = Em.Mixin.create({
pageSize: 10,
totalLines: 20,
rangeStart: 1,
rangeStop: function () {
var rangeStop = get(this, 'rangeStart') + get(this, 'pageSize') - 1;
totalLines = get(this, 'totalLines');
if (rangeStop < totalLines) {
return rangeStop;
return totalLines;
currentPage: function () {
return get(this, 'rangeStop') / get(this, 'pageSize');
totalPages: function () {
return Math.ceil(get(this, 'totalLines') / get(this, 'pageSize'));
And so on, then created a separate view for it, as this way I can reuse it, and even reuse it many times on a single page, by creating a container div with a unique id to append each instantiation of the view to append to.
So I can repeat the next lines with new variables, but reuse the template by keeping the templateName the same.
var firstCaseOfPaginationViews = Em.View.create({
templateName: 'pagination'
And now, the mixin can now be simply included to any controller that I need pagination for. I'm hoping this is the correct way of doing things in Ember, it seems like this will be the way that I'll adopt until I refactor and revisit at a later date.
Solution 2:
If you look into routing you can do something like (just a concept, not sure if this is the right way)
App = Ember.Application.create({
Router : Ember.Router.extend({
root : Ember.Route.extend({
pages : Ember.Route.extend({
route : '/page/:pageNo',
deserialize : function (router, params) {
var pageNumber = params.pageNo;
var contentToBeShown = //slice the relevant-
//part from your content according to pageNo
name: 'controllername',
outletName: 'outletshowingpages',
context: //theslicedarray
//add serialize also
More routing here : https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/blob/master/packages/ember-routing/lib/router.js
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