MVC3 Calling Controller Method From Javascript
In MVC3. I have a button class'open-deleteRowDialog' when i click on it goes to this javascript: $(document).on('click', '.open-DeleteRowDialog', function () { var pwd=
Solution 1:
Make an ajax call to your controller action method. You may use $.get
method like below.
$(document).on("click", ".open-DeleteRowDialog", function () {
var pwd="";
//now do whatever you want with pwd variable;
$.get is a short form of $.ajax
method with type HTTP GET.
If you have trouble like cached data in the response, you may add a unique timestamp in your get
call so that you won't get the cached result. You may use $.now method.
// to do : do something with result
Another way is to set the cache property value to false in ajaxSetup method. But this will be applicable to all ajax calls.
Solution 2:
Use jQuery ajax and call the controller method directly as a url
$(document).on("click", ".open-DeleteRowDialog", function () {
var pwd="";
$.get('Yourcontroller/GeneratePsw', function(data){
//now do whatever you want with pwd variable;
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