Java Script XSLT Error : For Extension Function, Could Not Find Method Java.lang.String. ([ExpressionContext,] #STRING)
Solution 1:
Well extension functions are hardly portable, not even the way they are defined is portable. With .NET you can use the msxsl:script
element to define extension functions but don't expect Xalan to support that. According to Xalan Java supports a xalan:script
element if you put bsf.jar and js.jar on the classpath.
Solution 2:
You should mark the java script section as CDATA.
See below
<xalan:component prefix="ttVB" functions="FctDateDuration">
<xalan:script lang="javascript">
function FctDateDuration(p_startDate,p_endDate){
Solution 3:
I was able to parse the xsl properly. Thanks Martin for the help you gave. I would like to put here the changes I made. So It'll help to others.
I had to use bsf.jar and js.jar. Since bsf jar is not shipped with xalan. bsf-2.4.0 Also I would like to tell that I had to use the xalan jars separately. Java 1.5 inbuilt xalan gave me errors.
I changed the xsl decleration sl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xalan="" xmlns:ttVB="ext1" extension-element-prefixes="ttVB" exclude-result-prefixes="ttVB" version="1.0"
And Javascript declaration according to the
xalan:component prefix="ttVB" functions="FctDateDuration">
xalan:script lang="javascript">
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