Dynamic Routing With React, Blog Posts And Wordpress API
I tried following this tutorial to get a feel of how dynamic routing would work. Now instead of using static data, I want to pull in blog posts using WordPress' API to generate uni
Solution 1:
I think issue is here:
render={ (props) => <Article data={articles} {...props} />} />
And in articles you are storing the result of map, so it will not have the data that you are expecting:
let articles = this.state.newsData.map(....)
1- If you want to pass the full array then write it like this (not a good idea):
render={ props => <Article data={this.state.newsData} {...props} />} />
2- Pass the single object and looping will be not required inside Article component:
render={ props => <Article data={article} {...props} />} />
And Article
const Article = ({match, data}) => {
let articleData;
articleData = <div>
<h3> {article.title.rendered}</h3>
<hr />
articleData = <h2> Sorry. That article doesn't exist. </h2>;
return (
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